Archive for September, 2010


September 4, 2010

At least about the blog.  Possibly about all my fibery crafts recently.

I haven’t finished the Wisp.  It is very soft and I like it, but, of course, being lacy, it doesn’t look like much yet (lol, I accidentally typed “mush” and, well, it DOES look like mush!).  I did manage to find the shell buttons that I wanted and they are waiting to be needed.

I am working on a Lacy Dr. Who Scarf using this pattern for a One Row Scarf and the Time Traveler Felici sock yarn from Knit Picks.  I’m using a size 8 needle and I’ve only done a few inches, but I’m enjoying it.

The only thing I’ve spun in months is some alpaca roving that I got some time ago when I was visiting Ithaca (or, more accurately, on the road between my in-laws home in Ithaca, NY and my parents’ home in central Vermont) at Banner Ridge Alpaca Farm.  The place that had a camel who let us pet him and pull out his shedding down on his neck.

I have made bread several times and wrote down the whole recipe for you and took some photos during the process, so maybe I’ll get around to posting that soon.

Been very consumed with my kids going back to school.  They are both in new buildings and the older one is starting middle school.  Quite an adjustment for all of us, as his elementary was so welcoming of parents being involved.

If you care, I’m reading The Mysterious Benedict Society.  Buying a wooden Artley clarinet online so I can play along with the middle school son who is learning clarinet at school.  Or, well, he WILL be.  Helping get the younger son out the door for his soccer practices.  Coming up with a whole bunch of trivia questions for a Jeopardy-type game show to keep the 4th & 5th graders busy on Thursday during the teachers’ Innovation Zone training… Lots of different control freak things.  Cub Scouts…  Oh, and preparing to bake bread for 40 people at the September CAFE event AND propose they give me the $400 mini-grant at the same time, to keep doing enrichment and crochet club at school.