Archive for November, 2012

Hand-crocheted hats–great gift ideas! :)

November 16, 2012

I have been crocheting “sock monkey” and owl hats with earflaps for a little over a month.  They are pretty fun and I get lots of compliments.  🙂
Anyhow, they are for sale!  Most of the hats are $20 each.  I can do them on request or you can buy one (they are a little more expensive in the CommonGround Shoppes in Huntington, WV’s Heritage Station downtown–because they take a cut) that I have made already.  Not much on my etsy shop at the moment, but you can visit my Facebook page, if you do facebook.  I’m Goodness Gracious WV.  Comment here or there and I can make arrangements with you–whether  you are local or need me to mail them someplace.  Shipping would be about $3 for first class USPS in the US, more for Priority Mail.
Some  pictures of hats I’ve already done:

“traditional” sock monkey hat for tween/adult

“traditional” infant sock monkey hat with red trim

infant sock monkey hat with pink trim

“grass” green tween/adult sock monkey hat; amber owl hat (tween/adult); infant sock monkey hat with pink trim