Archive for April, 2009

Westest 2 sample questions

April 29, 2009


I complained to the CCBOE administration about them only having the sample test questions for the new Westest 2 available at fast food restaurants on the tray liners.  They still don’t seem to get my issue with this, but sent me some of the questions.  Not really the point, but, I will try to put them here for you, too.  🙂


FYI, these are also available online at
I hope to find out from Dr. Smith if they are available in print somewhere locally for parents/public as well.

Blackstone Raid, our dogwood tree…

April 27, 2009

Andrew got “killed” lots over the weekend at the SCA event, but he reports that overall he usually got 3 people for every time he got killed.  He is in the blue & black linen armor.  The armor is from LinenArmor and he says it is much cooler than the denim/duck Triplette arms fencing jacket he usually wears for practice–I think it looks awfully sharp, too.  🙂  I think the Triplette cost a lot less, and his is burgundy and has held up for several years, so I’m not saying anything bad about it (I’m not sure which one it is in the catalog–Andrew says the Triplette jacket is from their division company ZenWarriorArmory, which explains why I couldn’t locate the jacket on the website!).  The linen armor waistcoat has fancy buttons and he has parti-colored pants and hood to match.


Try the one of our house?

pink dogwood in our front yardClose up:


I taught (on Saturday at the Blackstone Raid) a little drop spindling class for a couple of students, one of whom was a knitter and thought she might actually continue using the spindle.  The car was stuffed too full for me to bring my wheel, but tonight is Guild, so I can spin with folks there!

Nadine came along and sat at my vendor booth with me, which was nice, because then I had someone adult to gab with.  The kids were VERY well-behaved and sat happily after they took a finger loop braiding class with me and did their 3 hours of kids’ stuff.  I sold a little bit of stuff (dragon baglet and t-shirts, spindle kits…), so, that helps to defray the cost of the weekend (which wasn’t much anyhow, since camping was free once we paid our site fee).

Overall, an enjoyable weekend!  Next weekend is the Heritage Farm Festival, and I’m planning to volunteer at that, too.  🙂

What do you think this should be?

April 23, 2009


crocheted thing...maybe a ghost or an alien?  it is smaller than my hand

crocheted thing...maybe a ghost or an alien? it is smaller than my hand

Evan thinks it might need scary red eyes… Please comment if you have an idea!  I just made it up as I went along, after looking at the book Creepy Cute from the library.

Knit Night–Nadine’s in the paper again!

April 23, 2009


but apparently I can’t get it to load!  If you can get the e-paper for the Herald Dispatch, it is on page C1

Earth Day

April 23, 2009

that’s me with some of my Cub Scouts (and a borrowed one)–Alex, Jacob, Nick, Evan, Christopher.  Then Jenn, Elaine, Ayla & Despena.  This is while the governor was speaking.

Handspun & Community Gardens & Earth Day

April 20, 2009

The first skein of yarn from Jane’s wool:

pict1714_2I am pleased with it.  I have enough dyed for at least one more skein.  Then I want to make something with it for Jane.  But what?

On Saturday some of our Cub Scouts went to help at the Weed & Seed Community Garden project at the Barnett Center in Huntington.  The photos aren’t too great because it was so bright, everyone’s faces are too much in shadow.  Oh well.


taking labels off plastic bottles to make bird feeders

taking labels off plastic bottles to make bird feeders


the kids nearly all took a ride in the Cat with Tim (this is Evan)

the kids nearly all took a ride in the Cat with Tim (this is Evan)


other volunteers--the young man's name was Joe :)

other volunteers--the young man's name was Joe 🙂

Earth Day celebration at the Weed & Seed Community Garden at the old Barnett Center, 3-7 pm on Wednesday, April 22. Corner of Hal Greer and 10th Ave. in Huntington, WV.

 Governor Manchin, Mayor Wolfe & Miss West Virginia United States will be on hand and boys from Cub Scout Pack 7 will lead the Pledge of Allegiance at around 4 pm for the garden dedication. One of the crafts will be making bird feeders from plastic bottles, thereby reducing waste by re-using them!

The flyer says that inexpensive food, lots of fun & free stuff to help you get on your way to helping the earth!

Bring a bag of recyclables, a beanie baby/Webkinz animal or a 3/5 gallon plastic pot and receive a free gift! (Recyclables accepted: cardboard, paper, aluminum, tin or computer components) Beanie Babies and Webkinz animals will be given to children in local hospitals by the Little Earth Angels Club. Plastic pots will be used to grow trees for next year’s re-tree Huntington movement.

Darned rainy days make wool take longer to dry!

April 17, 2009

I washed some of the wool from Jane, but, with the grandpa visiting and the rainy weather, it is drying slowwwwwwly.  I dyed some of it with koolaid and I have gotten some of it dry enough to pick and card and spin.


grape, berry punch, natural, orange, strawberry (clockwise from upper left) dorset-cross wool

grape, berry punch, natural, orange, strawberry (clockwise from upper left) dorset-cross wool


some of the natural, spun up into singles--my plan is to do one strand multicolored alternating with natural, ply with natural

some of the natural, spun up into singles--my plan is to do one strand multicolored alternating with natural, ply with natural

Got some fleece from Jane

April 11, 2009

Went to Portsmouth this morning and taught a drop spindling “class”–I didn’t do any lecture at all about the technical stuff or history.  At 10 I was just arriving and still putting on my brooches, etc and there were no “customers” around really.  Went to talk to Sebastianne and came back and there were several people!  A few ladies and a couple of families with kids.  Everyone tried spinning with the hooked stick or a drop spindle or my charkha wheel and I think a couple of them might keep it up.

Then we drove home, stopped at McDonalds and drove to Jane & Jerry Morse’s farm for our church kids’ egg hunt.  And Jane gave me a big bag of fleece from her DorsetSuffolk-cross sheep (hey, one of those down breeds! lots of Jane’s have black faces).  She picked some of the best fleece for me when she sheared a couple of weeks ago.  Pretty.  I just put some of it in to soak!  Thanks Jane!!  🙂

Last notice for Schola in Portsmouth, OH on Sat 4/11/09

April 10, 2009

Here is the schedule for tomorrow’s SCA/SWORD Schola:


You may notice that I am teaching Spindle Spinning at 10 am, in case you want to come over!  This is at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, OH.  US-52 to Rt 23.  I believe there are signs.  It is FREE!

More of what I spun at retreat

April 7, 2009


turmeric-dyed suffolk;  blueberry patch merino/tencel

turmeric-dyed suffolk; blueberry patch merino/tencel