Archive for April 17th, 2008

I got sunburnt…but the rest was fun

April 17, 2008

They had a renaissance fair thing at Marshall University yesterday.  Mary Moore was in charge and I guess it was an Honors Student thing.  I went along with the SCA Port Oasis fencers (Melissa also brought some cool arts & sciences stuff to show off–leatherwork mostly) and brought a bagful of wool, some dog slicker brushes, a bunch of spindles.  I spun on my wheel and on a spindle and taught some people how to drop spindle.  Some of them seemed to get into it so I gave them a little sample of wool and a tiny cardboard whorl spindle and my card.


Nadine didn’t come in garb, but she did come sit with me and spindle and helped teach and played on my wheel some.  I noticed she was getting pink.  I thought I would be okay because I put on some sunscreen, but, I guess, not enough.  So, I came home with a pink neck and face.  And a burn right around my watchband, too.  Sigh.


Betsy came by too (and showed off her new yarn she spun over break on her new Babe wheel), but she didn’t stay so long, so she probably didn’t get roasted.


There were some actors (including Jeremy Plyburn, Gene Anthony and Tristan Reynolds) doing Shakespearean recitations.  Some students with astronomy stuff.  Some fortune-tellers.  Some people all dressed up for “court”…


At church last night while I was in my Bible study class and beforehand and during my tv watching I got to the “hard” part of the felici afterthought/peasant heel sock.  Now I’ve picked up the stitches and gotten the waste yarn out (that wasn’t so much fun, actually) and am knitting a few rounds even before I start the decreases.  Oh, I am cobbling my socks together from different patterns, notes from people, measurements of my own foot, etc etc etc, but this was also helpful.


Chris is coming to town to visit her parents in a couple of weeks, so maybe we can stalk each other in person then!


Blackstone is only a week and a half away (well, officially only a week, ack!) and  I haven’t finished the acorn hat.  Or planned my classes exactly.  I said I would teach both knitting and spindling.  On Saturday.  At 11 am and either at noon or 1 pm.  Has to be during the children’s activities…